An image of desolation out west were towns were covered up by ravaging sand storms in the early 1900's. Now days you can still view some of the old relics of the past, but soon they will fade into history of the once was in terms of ghost towns. I found it odd however, at some of these old sites something in the scene generally just sticks out to grab your attention. For the most part I found that old windmills normally gets my attention and makes one want to think about what it must have been like in those times.
I often find myself thinking could this happen where I live, and what were the circumstances that lead to the great dust bowl of those days. Is it something that could sweep through my town and leave the town inundated with sand in so much everyone would have to pack up and leave.
A supernatural appearance of an existence that calls for your attention and makes one want to explore the area. Though I dare not stop for the wind blows quite hard and the dust in the air makes it a non tolerable area without eye protection and something to cover one's face. This scene I have depicted is not taken from any particular area and only represents the essences of the past in which I have seen while traveling along the long trail.
This rendering was created using Cinema4D and I started with the basic elements like the ball and tarus used for the water holding tank. I interacted Cinema4d with interposer to gather a prop for the tub and created the grass, tree and chair as well. Later I introduced a junk pile to the scene. I used the scene settings and textural effects to create the ground and sky for the scene. I don't know if the scene camera angle was good for the most but I positioned it to get the whole scene into frame. Most all the textural effects are from my library collection I have accumulated over the years. Post edit to the render was done in photoshop to advance the color depth of the rendering.
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