I guess I am more fortunate than many people, when I was a child I would listen to my grandparents tell about their experiences in life and the lessons that they learned. Often time they would use analogies to make their point; for some reason those old stories had a lasing impact on me. Even today I can remember my grandparents talking just like it was yesterday even though they passed on several years ago. As I watch the daily news those old stories give me the perspective I need to properly analyze the true situation. We humans have a bad habit of taking things for granted and not appreciating the work and sacrifice that other people have done to make our country the greatest nation in the world.
My grandparents recognized that trait a long time ago. My grandfather often said that many people are like a mangy starving dog, he said you can take the dog in and make him healthy and get some food in his belly then the sucker will bite you. A few days ago I read a report about Bill Gates making the comment that the only thing that would save the world from global warming and utter destruction was Socialism. I thought a comment like that was strange coming from a man who became the richest in the world because he happened to live in a country that had a capitalistic economic system that allowed a person to use his God-given talents to become wealthy.
It is understandable for some tinhorn dictator to make such a comment, but for someone who has used the free market system to become the world’s richest man I have a problem with it. For all of those who like to blame the West, and in particular the United States, for all of the world’s ill maybe they should go to some of these Socialist Garden of Edens across the world and see what a fine job they are doing to improve the lives of their citizens and how they protect their environment.
Here in United States we have made huge strides in cleaning up our environment while at the same time maintaining the cleanest and highest standard of living in the world. At the same time communist nations such as China are content for their citizens to live in a third world standard while having to wear air filters to prevent them from breathing in poison air in their cities. North Korea is another example; for the most part their citizens are continually bordering on starvation in addition to all of the other problems listed above. For anyone to objectively look at the world and think that a bunch of socialist jerks living in luxury while their citizens are starving have all of the answers is absurd.
Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain once said, “Socialism works well until you spend all of someone else’s money.” Socialism is nothing more than a bunch of elitists wanting to control the masses and the global warming scare tactic is just another tool to achieve that. It sounds to me like Bill Gates has got his belly full and now he is ready to bite someone.
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