Ever since the school shooting in Florida there has been a constant drumbeat from the left of this country to pass more gun laws to supposedly prevent future shootings. While all of the marching and chanting may relieve some of the hurt and pain, more laws will not stop the violence that has gripped our nation. From all of the reports I have read there were clear signs that the shooter was an unstable and dangerous person. The laws we already have, if implemented properly, would have prevented this tragedy. It is very easy to get into the game of playing what-if; on this case several people failed to do their job, but it is impossible to know how many times these same people did do their job and prevented a similar crime. We must avoid the impulse to act when emotions are so worked up, I have found that when decisions are made in haste you often create more problems than you solve. 


We need to remind ourselves that the true cause of the shooting was the 19 year old young man who allowed his mind to be filled with hate and violence. It seems so strange to me that during all of the protests I have seen nothing about demanding punishment for this individual. In my opinion a crime of this magnitude deserves the harshest punishment; that being death. Too many of our citizens are led to believe that simply passing more laws will solve all of our problems; if our current laws which should have prevented this act were so ineffective, how would passing more do any better? It is a simple fact that we humans can be irrational and violent, instead of focusing our anger on some inanimate object such as a gun we need to be looking at the real problem.


Other nations have faced problems worse than we are facing. The nation that first comes to mind is the little nation of Israel. The nation of Israel has developed the best airport security system in the world. There have been some breaches of their security, but for the most part they have been able to protect their children in school. Israel is surrounded by other nations that are committed to their destruction. The Israelis understand the true problem, evil people doing evil things. Here in America we have too many political factions who are using this tragedy to further their political ambitions. Instead of pointing fingers and demanding rash action maybe we should be looking to our Israeli allies who have had some success in preventing mass killings in their schools.  


We Americans don’t always have to reinvent the wheel, we also need to remember that no solution will be 100% perfect. If there was a perfect solution we humans would have created a utopia a long time ago.
