I would like to start this column with a simple question. Have any of you ever signed a contract for a cell phone for an incredibly cheap rate, they when you get your first bill you are shocked with the total when all of the fees and taxes are included? The same thing can happen when you purchase a new car, when the additional charges are added in for more accessories the price always goes up. I have learned from experience most salesmen will quote the cheap price in order to get you on the hook. We humans are more like a fish than we would like to admit. Like a fish can be enticed to bite a hook with an artificial lure that it cannot digest, many humans can be conned into something because they think they will get some sweet deal.

One of the biggest so called sweet deals, according to our president, is the Obama Health care bill. This bill was rammed through congress even though the majority of the American people did not want it. We were assured by our president that the cost of the bill would be around 900 billion dollars over 10 years. I also noticed that it was strange that the bill would not be fully implemented until 2014. In my humble opinion this ploy was to get our citizens on the hook and delay the inevitable financial consequences until after the 2012 elections. A couple of days ago the Congressional Budget Office released their projection of what the true cost would be over ten years. Instead of the cost being 900 billion dollars it will be more on the magnitude of 1.76 trillion dollars. Maybe our president and the minions that were coerced and bribed in order to pass the bill feel that the additional cost doesn’t amount to much. By the way I look at the additional cost, it is 860 billion dollars more than we were led to believe; that isn’t very far from being double what the American people were originally told.

I guess it has become par for the course for politicians to use accounting tricks and poor math in order to get their bill made into law. The Obama health care law is already having an effect on the cost of insurance and health care. For example, in my own case, for many years I have purchased a health care policy with a high deductable. I take care of all of my small expenses in order to have a lower premium. Recently my premium took a 30% jump, according to the insurance company it was due to the provisions in the Obama bill. If this monstrosity is not repealed we haven’t seen anything yet. Like a fish hook with indigestible bait, we will have a hard time digesting this sweet deal.
