Very seldom do I go to a local theater to watch a movie, but tonight my wife and I went and watched the new movie 2016 Obama’s America. I believe that this movie is a must-see for all Americans that love the founding principles of our nation. We all need to be aware of the hidden political agenda of our current president and how it threatens to destroy our country as we know it.

During the movie you will experience fear for the future and anger for those who ignore the writing on the wall and continue to support Obama and his agenda. I feel that it is a shame that our supposedly free press gives this guy a free pass about his past and his associates. It makes no difference what party we belong to; for evil to prevail one thing must happen (good men to do nothing).

I strongly urge everyone who loves freedom to take the time, watch the movie and get informed. We have an old saying on the farm, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. For the sake of our nation we must not be fooled a second time. Russell Turner
