Like most Americans I was sickened about the slaughter of the school children and teachers in the school in Connecticut. There is nothing more heart breaking than the loss of a child. Accidents claim many lives of children, but the killing of those children was nothing less than horrible. It is human nature to want to blame someone or something for the loss of life; I have noticed that the main stream media seems to be steering the American people to placing the blame of the tragedy on the firearms that the killer used.

The population of our country is over 300 million; with those numbers we are very fortunate that there are not more of those kind of crazed people than there are. In this case, some nut job shoots up a school with assault weapons, so the response is to ban assault weapons. But is access to assault weapons really the root cause of the issue? Some people just aren't wired right. It's always been that way. Before firearms, before violent movies, before video games... there have always been crazy nuts. Passing laws doesn't change any of this. Government cannot protect us from all the bad people out there. Neither will banning assault rifles. Bad guys will always find a way, either commandeering a killing machine illegally, or reverting to something else.

We have all heard that something needs to be done about this kind of senseless carnage. Instead of focusing our attention on the instrument we need to be looking at the person doing the evil. In our system of justice accused criminals are entitled to a quick and just trial. Over the years we have allowed evil people to work our system with the insanity defense. Many of these people are manipulative and use the system to continue to focus the nation’s attention upon them. In instances such as the school shooting in Connecticut where there is no doubt that a person did commit the crime, justice should be swift. The court hearing should be held within a week and, upon conviction, the sentence of death should be carried out within a couple of days.

I believe in personal responsibility; we can blame the guns all day, but anyone who even thinks about committing such a heinous crime should have to face judgment swiftly. Our main problem in this country is too many people have not been taught about the importance of human life. Today countless babies are killed in the womb and we call it choice, is it any wonder our society has begun to put less value on life? Before we start doing away with the second amendment, do we want to put all of our faith in a government that does all it can to remove the religious values that have built our nation? Until we stop merely treating the symptoms of declining morals we will be in trouble.
