Almost all of us have heard the old saying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. Whenever we ignore the blessings that we already have and start looking for something better many times we will be disappointed. I am reminded of a story told by Jesus Christ many years ago. He told about a young man who wanted more excitement in his life; he had worked on his father’s farm all of his life but at some time he decided that life would be better in the big city. He convinced his father to give him his share of what would have been his inheritance from his father’s estate. With his money in hand he was off to the big city.
For a while times were good and I am sure that he had many friends. He was like a lot of people that I have witnessed in my life, he made the assumption that the good times would never end and his money would never run out. I have also noticed that there is never a shortage of good buddies that will jump on the bandwagon and ride it as long as possible. He became a fool, and the saying about a fool and his money would soon be parted proved to be true. Without his money his friends disappeared; the good times were over. The young man who once ate the finest food was reduced to the point that he had to eat slop with the hogs to survive. After hitting rock bottom the young man came to his senses and went home, not as a son but with the intention of asking his father for a job as a servant.
One of the greatest things about Jesus Christ was his ability to get people to understand something with the use of an analogy. The story of the young man reminds me of the condition of the United States today. We voters have elected people that enjoy spending all of the tax revenue that we pay and still that is not enough. We have developed a bad habit of believing every lying con artist as long as they tell us what we want to hear. In so many ways we Americans are spending our inheritance of freedom and liberty for some pleasure of the moment.
Being a new year many people make some kind of resolution to improve themselves, sadly most of those resolutions fade out over a month or so. If we are to have a resolution as a county, maybe it should be for we Americans to stop looking to the other side of the fence and remember the founding principles of our nation. I hope that we do not have to hit rock bottom, but if we do hit rock bottom maybe it will finally knock some sense into we Americans.
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