I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said that the government that governs least governs best. Anytime you look across the planet it is easy to see the nations with the most innovation and wealth are the ones that cherish and support freedom. I have observed that many of our people have forgotten those precepts or never learned them in the first place. The freedoms that our county was founded upon have enabled our business class to quickly provide the products and services that we all need. For any business to survive it must make a profit, and no one but the owners of the business knows how to make the business survive. In socialist and communist countries the government was the one who decided all aspects of running the business, in every case their economies failed to grow. In a free society government respects the private sector; in a socialist system the business sector is merely a servant to the government. Some recent comments by the current administration concerning Obamacare should be of concern to all freedom loving Americans.


The Obama administration has decided thatemployers who fall below 100 employeesmust certify to the IRS—under the threat of perjury—that the reasons for your employee head count have nothing to do with your opposition to or avoidance of Obamacare. It is alarming and crazy that if you fall below 100 employees, the burden will be on you to prove that you meant no disrespect to Obamacare. According  to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, the penalty for not enrolling in Obamacare is a tax; ever since I can remember all business small and great have modified their operations to save on their tax bills. It is a simple fact many business have such a small profit margin they can only survive by taking advantage of tax saving practices.


This rule that the government has come up with about having to certify the amount of employees a private sector business has should scare the heck out of anyone who believes in the free market system of economics. How long will it be before our government dictates to the private sector other aspects of how they operate their businesses? Far too many of our people vote for the politician who promises to write them the biggest check; that attitude will be the death of our freedoms if it is not stopped. As government grows larger our freedoms become smaller. I have written many columns about Obamacare, the more I learn about the bill the more I become frightened for the future of our nation. The government is so concerned about us not disrespecting Obamacare, but they seem to have little respect for us in the private sector.
