America’s most moral president was Abraham Lincoln. Like all of us he was far from perfect, but he did understand that a good leader does not incite class warfare among his fellow citizens. The rhetoric that is coming from many of our elected leaders is doing nothing but dividing America instead of unifying our country. Over the past several weeks the leader of the United States senate, Harry Reid, had set his sights on the Koch Brothers. The Koch Brothers are very rich men and they support political candidates who believe in the conservative philosophy.
Harry Reid is a hard core liberal who feels that we Americans don’t know how to manage our affairs and we should be content to let the government do it for us. Harry Reid is Protected by U.S. Senate rules against libel, and with that protection he has accused the Koch brothers of everything imaginable including being un-American. Whenever someone cannot debate any issue logically they usually resort to name calling and character assassination.
It never ceases to amaze me how someone when elected to political office begins to think that they have all of the answers. The Koch Brothers run a multibillion-dollar business, which hires thousands of people. Just to maintain those businesses requires more intelligence than Harry Reid would ever hope to have. Mr. Reid seems to have no qualms about attacking big business because the owners have a different political view than he does. But when we look at the other side of the equation our government is the biggest employer in the world, and I am sure that it is the biggest employer in all of history.
Koch Industries is in the private sector and they must be competitive and produce a product that can be sold and be able to make a profit while doing it. We conservatives believe in creating wealth, maybe it is from labor to build something or assembling various parts into something that is in demand. Because of that belief, businesses across our nation are coming under attack. The government, on the other hand, creates no wealth; it simply takes it away from the taxpayers and spreads it around. For example Obamacare is the ultimate big-government approach. The government mandates what health-care insurance to buy, and taxes you if you don’t buy it even though you may lose your favorite doctor or hospital or insurance plan.
It is human nature to be envious of anyone who has more than we do, but we need to remember that our country was built upon the freedom to go out and attempt to save and create wealth ourselves. The politicians today are feeding our citizens a flawed belief that somehow they are entitled to someone else’s wealth even though they didn’t help to earn it. I have given up on the likes of Harry Reid to promote unity of our people; it is up to us conservatives to stop our nation from being divided any further.
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