I have never been much of a party animal, but I have seen how people who are having a good time never see the storm clouds on the horizon. Throughout history there have been times when events converge to form a pivotal point in time. In the 1920’s that time was known as the roaring 20’s; from what I have read people were making money and everything was good. Most of the people of the world were so concerned with their own little corner of the world that they could not even comprehend the economic upheaval known as the Great Depression. Only a short time later the winds of war began to stir in Europe, sadly many people ignored those signs and lost everything in World War 2. In each case there were people that could see what was about to happen and tried to warn their fellow humans of the destruction coming, for the most part they were labeled as crackpots and fools. Politics and the affairs of nations have always been important; I believe we adults of today are witnessing a serious point of time that will be on par with the time before the Great Depression and World War 2.


We in America have enjoyed a standard of living that the rest of the world could only dream of. Like most prosperous nations that have come before us, we are going down the path of self-destruction and we have only ourselves to blame. I have noticed that too many people in this country don’t want to be bothered with the affairs of government. As long as they think they are getting something for nothing, everything is just fine. Instead of striving to be self-reliant our people are ready to place blind faith in some slick politician that is good at making promises but is poor in delivering them. I have experienced alarming habits that our voters have developed. If an elected leader has the courage to deny providing special favors and obey the laws that he swore an oath to uphold, many voters will become angry with him and never get over it. On the other hand the slick politician will promise to provide favors while having no intention of ever making good on that promise, those same voters will get angry for a while but they will get over it. It is a sad day in our country when never ending wrath is directed at the person who tells it like it is and the actions of the liar are forgiven.


Because of our indifference we have allowed our government to get totally out of control. We have allowed our government to hunt down every penny of wealth it can get its hands on domestically and overseas, its planting of spying devices on hard drives and computers, spying on each and every one of us. All of this is done to raise money and yet our national debt has risen to 18 trillion dollars. We have become just like a drunk that drinks until he passes out. When we wakes up with a pounding head his first words are, “What the hell happened”? Isn’t it strange that we humans cannot anticipate the pain while the party is going on?

