We humans have many emotions, but the emotion of envy can bring out the worst in many people. Years ago my dad told about working for a firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma; the owner was a man who was very well off. He told how some of his co-workers would make snide remarks behind the owner’s back and ridicule him. Occasionally the owner would hear of the smart aleck remarks and he had a simple response; he would say, “If they are so dammed smart why ain’t they rich?” Over the past few days I have watched the news media and their response to the announcement of the Presidential campaign of Donald Trump; their actions remind me of the co-workers my dad worked with many years ago.


I feel that there are many good conservative people that have announced for the Presidential race in 2016; I also believe that Donald Trump is among them. Donald Trump is a little flamboyant, but I find it refreshing that a candidate can speak his mind and not be beholden to special interests groups that are funding their campaigns. Immediately the media started portraying him as some sort of clown in an attempt to sway public opinion against him. Sadly many of the people in this country are influenced by a bunch of liberal commentators that believe all of our problems can be solved by increasing the size and scope of government.


The American people have bought into the mentality of bigger government for far too long. While the voters feel that they are the ones in charge because they elect our leaders every couple of years, in reality our people are being controlled more every day. We have elected people that have increased the entitlement state to a point where many people are dependent on and controlled by the government while through more taxation and fees the remaining people are also being controlled. I fail to see the logic of the media and their support of the current administration. The current administration has not and could not even run a candy store, but we have allowed them to steer the largest economy of the world. The only jobs they have created are government jobs that the taxpayers are forced to support. The healthcare debacle is still unfolding, all at the same time the government is manipulating the employment numbers to make the people think every thing is ok. Today a record number of people in this country are totally dependent upon government instead of having the ability to be self-sufficient. When you look at all of the facts ask yourself, ”HOW IS THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU?”


I have not decided yet which candidate I will support for president. At least Donald Trump has created private sector jobs and has had to deal with the laws and regulations that are passed, he didn’t become a billionaire by being stupid.  I feel that the people wanting to see a clown and a fool in Donald Trump should look in the mirror and take a good look at one.




