We Americans are a people that are passionate about our sports and the players in those games. If the fans sense that a coach and his players are not putting all of their efforts into the game they will demand immediate action to correct the situation. It may mean firing the coach or removing some of the players from the team; to put it bluntly the American people will not tolerate our sports teams who do not put forth all they have when playing the game. Over the past weeks the political pundits and the news media have been scratching their heads wondering why Donald Trump and the other presidential candidates who have not held political office are doing so well in the polls. 


Since President Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress rammed the so-called Affordable Care Act down the throats of the American people, the voters have been working within the system in an effort to get rid of this albatross before it does any more damage to our economy. First we voters gave control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans. We were told they couldn’t take any action until the Republicans controlled the Senate; the voters of this country gave the Republicans control of both houses in the last election cycle. For many of us it seemed that as soon as the Republicans took control they seemed to lose their backbone and lived in fear of the news media blaming them for a government shutdown if they opposed the Executive branch. Every time an issue came up such as Obamacare, they used every excuse to say they couldn’t do anything and caved in and continued to fund it.


In the sporting arena if you sponsored a boxer, you would expect him to put all he had into the fight. If he laid back on the ropes and continually told you that he would fight better in the next round it wouldn’t set very well with most people. Even Presidential candidate Ted Cruze criticized the actions of the Republican leadership in the Senate and the lack of constructive action being taken. He also made the comment that if former leader Harry Reid had still been the leader of the Senate the results would have been the same.


There are many people in this country that felt betrayed when Congress would not do every thing necessary to rein in the action of our rogue President. The political class needs to stop making decisions that only benefits them politically; their actions should be directed at doing what is best for the country as a whole.  
