If any of us ever contract some kind of disease and we find that it is completely curable, most of us would want to take the cure and be done with it instead of merely treating the symptoms. When it comes to healthcare problems any sane person wants to address the problem and deal with it, but for some reason many Americans want to ignore the root cause of the gun violence such as occurred in the mass shooting in Oregon.
After the shooting I, like many other Americans, heard our President start lecturing us on the need for more gun control. While the killer did use a gun to cause all of the carnage, the shooter, not the gun, was the problem. When the shooting happened in the church in South Carolina the media fell upon the Confederate battle flag as the thing that incited the shooting there. Instead of demanding that quick and severe punishment be given to the individual who killed all of those people, we had groups wanting to dig up the remains of long dead Confederate generals and tear down statues that had been there for many decades. The problem that our country is experiencing is an attitude that does not value life.
Whether the history revisionists want to admit it or not, our nation was founded upon the Judaeo-Christian value system. Today we have become so politically correct that we do not want to offend anyone by standing by those founding principles. As a nation we accept and promote all kinds of perversion because we are free. Most Americans are not outraged by the actions of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. As a society how can we expect some of these disturbed individuals to have any respect for human life when we are told that the value of unborn children is the price that their body parts will bring on the open market? Instead of acknowledging the problem, all our President and his liberal cronies can do is to scream for more gun control, which will only cause a loss of liberty for law-abiding citizens.
There is an evil in the world and that evil manifests itself in the changing attitudes of our people. It is easy for us to blame our elected leaders for the problems that we are having, but we need to remember that we elect them. The immoral and corrupt politicians that we have are merely a symptom of a much bigger problem. Whether by indifference or support of the new attitude in our country, the blame can be laid upon us citizens. Too many of our people have forgotten the value of life. In the entire universe the only place we know for sure that life exists is here on our planet. From what I have heard, some of the victims of the Oregon shooting were asked if they were Christian; when they answered yes they were shot and killed. Those people were willing to die because of their faith; maybe it is time that the rest of us Christians start proclaiming our faith and the value of life. Maybe then America will remember what made this country great and we will start the process to cure our society.
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