In life we are given opportunities to use the skills and knowledge that we have gained over the years. I can remember growing up on the farm and helping my parents run the family farm. For many years I simply obeyed my parent’s wishes, they had the life experiences to operate the operation and I respected it. As I grew older I began to notice that my parents started to give me more and more leeway in certain projects on our farm. I appreciated the faith my parents placed in me and I viewed that responsibility as an opportunity to show that I had the abilities necessary to make a success of the operation. Sadly I have seen individuals squander opportunities that are given to them; it has been my observation that once anyone does not make the best of an opportunity it can take a long time before someone is willing to entrust them in the future. The people in our state government need to take a long hard look at the opportunity they have been given.


The Republican Party has held the State House, State Senate and the Governor’s office for the better part of a decade. While some members have proved themselves to be true conservatives, too many have squandered their opportunity. The opportunity was there for the true concepts of conservatism to be applied; instead of striving to make our state government more efficient and cost effective, they chose to become one of the good ole boys whose only concern is to get re-elected at any cost. While many Republicans still like to complain of the Democrat rule prior to the Republican takeover, that argument is starting to get a little old. Our state budget is a mess and far too many of the Republicans are clamoring for more government intrusion and higher taxes. The fact is simple; we have been electing politicians who are not conservative. Many of the true conservatives across the entire state are being blown away by well funded candidates who have no problem taking donations from PACs and individuals who expect, and get, preferential treatment on legislation in the legislature. 


Another trend is for these liberal Republicans to get the endorsements of some former rock star politician. One of these former rock stars is making it his goal to influence the political scene of the state by endorsing a plethora of candidates across the state; he appears to be supporting any candidate that will pledge support for the COMVENTION OF THE STATES. In my opinion he is throwing caution to the wind; several knowledgeable people have serious concerns about the Convention of the States. If we are not careful we can do some serious damage to our Constitution; also I would guess that not one person in 200 even know what it is and what it entails.  I have noticed that these candidates receiving the endorsements fail to mention they support the Convention of the States, and most will not attend a political forum or debate their opponents. We Oklahoman’s have been foolishly electing these jokers; we know little to nothing about their tax and spending policies. Is it any wonder our state budget is in a mess? Now the rock star politician is writing articles that are encouraging the people of this state to contact their legislators about some of the ill-conceived increases in taxes. I just wonder how many of his endorsees are applying conservative principles? I contend that he has his agenda and he is showing little respect to the people in the districts he has influenced. 


People don’t blame the conservatives for the mess we are in because they are not there. The true grassroots conservatives are at home because they refused to sell their souls just to get elected.  
