I find it interesting how humans ridicule and try to demoralize the prophets and the people who are trying to spread the truth about human existence. In biblical times the people were ready to stone anyone who went against the status quo. I can remember the story about the reluctant prophet Jonah in Sunday School; he was very reluctant to preach in the city where God wanted him to go. Only after a course in Fish University did he do what he was commanded to do. Going against the flow has always been a dangerous situation; even though we are supposed to be more civilized than the humans in our past, we have changed very little. 


A few days ago I listened to the speech given by Senator John McCain. In the speech he went on a tirade about talk show hosts and conservatives that oppose the status quo. He even made the comment, “To hell with them.” I take offense with the likes of Senator McCain and his holier than thou attitude. If it were not for the patriots of this nation standing up and telling the truth about what our nation was founded upon, and the conservative principles it was founded upon, we would be in a lot worse condition than we are in today. As for myself I have written these columns for many years, and even since before that I have been a grassroots activist. Like many other activists, I have never made a dime for the decades we have worked to remind our fellow citizens of the dangers facing our Republic. You may have noticed that I said REPUBLIC not Democracy; I do not pledge allegiance to a democracy, but to a Republic. In my opinion our Republic is in danger. Politicians such as John McCain are a huge factor. 


Senator McCain, like many other politicians, campaigned and promised to rid this nation of the Obamacare health law; when he had the opportunity to do so, he betrayed the very people that elected him. He and his fellow lawmakers are exempt from the ACA while the rest of us are forced to endure a law that goes against the very tenets our nation was founded upon. In their minds all of the rest of us need to shut up and they will run everything because they are smarter than the rest of us. Well folks, that smartness has gotten us into a 20+ trillion dollar national debt along with unfunded liabilities which by some estimates exceed 100 trillion dollars. In the name of their arrogance they disregard our Constitution and have no problem stripping away our God given rights. Maybe McCain feels good when his buddies in the mainstream media pat him on the back and stroke his over inflated ego but I, along with many other patriotic conservatives, are sick of the double talk and outright lies that have become the mainstay of American politics today. Instead of listening to the government class that we have allowed to flourish, we need to be asking ourselves to hell with whom?
