Anyone who has ever driven over some of the mountain passes in Colorado can attest to the need for your vehicle to have some good brakes. Those downhill portions can run for many miles and it is pretty easy for a vehicle to gain more and more speed, which can quickly turn deadly. I have also found that merely having good brakes is only part of the equation, without an experienced driver you can also get into a bad situation. Over the past week I have listened to the rhetoric coming out of our nation’s capital over the attempt to repeal the so-called Affordable Care Act.


The Democrats have dug their heels in and will never agree to get rid of it; maybe they just hate to admit that the whole system is failing, especially when they were the ones who crammed it down the Americans’ throat in the first place. As for the Republicans most of them are ready to get rid of Obamacare, but John McCain and a few others are not listening to the outrage of the Americans who are stuck with paying for this losing program. Last November the voters of this nation spoke with a loud voice saying they wanted rid of Obamacare. Instead of listening to the voters of this nation, they would rather listen to a bunch of malcontents who are getting their healthcare for free screaming to the high heavens to keep the failing system. The vast majority of Americans have spoken at the ballot box, but it seems like they don’t hear us or remember their campaign promises to repeal Obamacare. I guess we average citizens who are keeping this country operating are just too civilized, maybe we need to start acting a little more crazy and start screaming for our elected leaders to take us seriously. 


We need to remember until Obmacare is repealed it is still the law of the land. Fortunately because of President Trump countless Americans didn’t have to pay the penalty for not having Obamacare. If Obamacare is not done away with those penalties will come back with a vengeance. The latest version of the Repeal and Replace bill would have done away with the individual and employer mandate. Doing away with the mandates would have been a great first step. Most Americans are intelligent people, if Obamacare is such a good deal the people will buy it without a mandate. Instead we have a system headed down hill with increasing costs in premiums and services with no end in sight without any way to slow it down. I agree with President Trump calling these jokers out for their hypocrisy, with the previous president they knew their repeal votes would not go anywhere, now that we have a president that will sign a repeal bill they refuse to honor their campaign pledges. It is a sad fact that we Americans are being played by a bunch of politicians who are owned by special interests and lobbyists. The healthcare debate is like going downhill without any brakes; the end result doesn’t look good. 
