Being a conservative I believe in the concept of a limited government. I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who coined the phrase about the government which governs best governs least. Laws should be simple and unambiguous. Sadly our country has degraded into a system where we have laws but we have people ignoring them because they have decided they are more enlightened than the lawmakers who actually debated the law in the first place. While I do agree that many laws and taxes are unjust, there is a process called the initiative petition process that can be used to rectify the problem. For many years our nation has had a problem with illegal immigration and laws to solve the problem have been passed. For some reason we are like a car stuck in a mud hole, no matter how much we rev up the engine we aren’t able to get out of the mud hole.
In the 2016 presidential campaign then candidate Donald Trump promised to solve the problem, and I have to admit that he is being true to his promise. It seems like anytime he tries to address the problem some liberal judge takes it upon himself to block any action our president tries to take. It is a simple fact; people who sneak into our country illegally are breaking our laws. In my opinion these liberal judges are un-elected and therefore un-accountable. Recently Trump tried to shut down the DACA program and his action was blocked by U.S. District Court Judge John Bates in the District of Columbia who held that Trump’s decision was “arbitrary and capricious.” One thing that we need to remind ourselves about the DACA program, it was not a bill passed by Congress but it was the brainchild of, and implemented by, then-president Barrack Obama. I remember the arrogant statement by Obama when he said that, in essence, he would do what he wanted to do because he had a pen and a phone. I wonder where all of those liberal judges were when we had a president acting like a third world dictator? Now we have a president that is trying to uphold duly passed legislation and is only receiving ridicule and obstruction from the left.
I have held public office and I swore an oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of the United States, anyone who holds office is required to swear a similar oath and that oath is not contingent upon what the office holder might think. The people of this nation elected President Trump to solve the illegal immigration problem; an out of control judiciary is only making the problem worse. It is time that our government gets down to business and stops spinning in the mud.
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