Spirit of Christmas
For so many years Christmas has been the celebration of giving and getting presents, and many may allude to the Holiday to be the three wise men giving the Lord gifts at his birth. As the story goes three wise men or Magi followed the signs that the Messiah was to be born, and the went out bearing gifts to present to the newborn king. However, it could also be said that they were sent out to find him and then report back to Herod of his existence and location if he did exist. Whereas, Herod would send soldiers to dispatch of him. However, they were persuaded not to report back to Herod.
Giving gifts for the newborn was done as a token or gesture of acceptance and gratitude, no expectations were for something in return during the exchange. The Magi fell to their knees before the newborn Christ. They were warned in a dream not to disclose his location.
Where do we today fit our Christmas story into the mix, the celebration of the birth of Christ? Perhaps, in early times that may have been true, but was later shaped by the story of a man giving gifts to the neighborhood, the mans name of course was Chris Kringle. It seems on a brief search that most people forgot the real story and attribute different beginnings. Whereas in America the contronive some Santa Claus story born out of a story they attribute to saint Nicholas, if there were a saint by that name. Now they marry all this up to the accepted story of Christ Birthday and begin to celebrate Christ's birthday calling it Christmas and making the star of it all Santa Claus or Saint Nick.
Mind you the saint Nicholas is not Jesus (Yeshua), and Santa Claus is made up. And the patriarch which the story of giving really came from is totally discarded. Now, today you such a bad person if you don't fulfill someone's wishes for a gift you give them. All have become ungrateful human beings.
Isn't this the same story they have played since the beginning to distract you from the belief in the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, didn't they give you deceit from the beginning even with the first man and his companion woman. Where EVE "the woman" deceived Man after being deceived and seduced by the Sa tan of old.
Might we as good stewards remember the true nature of this time of season as the remembrance of the Christ's birth and the gift he gave to us, "eternal life" via his life's blood upon the cross at Golgotha. Remember for all sins to be paid for blood must be spill and the final sacrifice was the Son of God, which paved way for All sinners to be forgiven provided they confess Him as their personal Savior and Redeemer that He is the Son of God. The promise of salvation was not just given to the Jews, but to all who come, even if it were demons of old in defiance of the one who brought them down. All means All.
This December the 25th we wish you all a very merry christmas, but we thank Christ for all he has done for us...
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