By Russell Turner


A mark of a great leader is his ability to have wisdom and have the ability to use it. One such individual was the ancient king of Israel named Solomon. In the Bible there is a story where two women were claiming the same baby; to resolve the dispute Solomon first had to determine who the true mother of the child in question was. In his wisdom he ordered the child to be cut in half and each woman to receive one half of the child. The actions of the two women told him who the real mother was, the real mother could not stand to see her child cut in half and was willing to let the other woman have him so that his life could be spared.  Solomon was a great man, but he was far from perfect; the same can be said of our president Donald Trump, but he is showing wisdom that Solomon would have been proud of.

For many years our country has had an illegal immigration problem, and over the past year it has gotten completely out of control. Our President has done more in his term than many past presidents combined. Last week when he proposed sending the illegals to sanctuary cities in our nation, the liberals almost went into cardiac arrest. Most of them started screaming that his action would be illegal and they would fight him in court. They also accused Trump of using the illegals as pawns in the political process. We taxpaying Americans need to remember who these bleeding heart liberals are. They are the ones who are flipping off the rule of law and the American people with an obscene gesture by giving safe haven to people who are violating our laws. As far as the accusation that our president is using the illegals as pawns, just look at how the liberal main stream media tries to manipulate the US citizens with their sob stories on the crisis at our southern border. 

Trump’s use of wisdom is awesome, if all of these sanctuary areas believe that open borders is such a great deal they need to take all of them in and stop judge hunting to oppose Trump. I would be willing to bet that when their areas are saturated with illegals who don’t speak English and their health care facilities, schools, and housing facilities are overloaded and collapsing they will have a come to Jesus moment. Those of us on the right don’t have a problem with immigrants, but we do have a problem with those who storm our borders and invade our country. With a few short words Trump showed the world what a bunch of hypocrites the liberal open border crowd really is. Too many of our people mistake arrogance and self importance as leadership; while Trump and all the rest of us also have those failings, he has proven to me that he does indeed have the Wisdom of Solomon and is willing to use it put Americans first.
