Too Question His Authority

To Question His Authority
By James Breedlove

Today, and all through accounted history mankind have had a problem with acceptance, the un nullified acceptance of divine authority.  Perhaps, because in creation man was created in the image of his creator.  Having knowledge given to man only added the reason and rational for man to expect he could or would follow his creator, either for where he goeth or his power.  

And here we  in the 2nd millennium, the 20th century wondering if the Lord is real or not.  Atheist try not to believe in Christ or that there is a god or the God.  Agnostic say prove it.  But, had they knew the history of mankind they would already know their argument is without merit.  The Atheist only fools him or herself.  There are no stories that have lasted the trial of time that have not been based on truth.  More that six thousand years, of natural recorded record and artifacts that lead back over twelve thousand years to the time of or before the flood, which occur approximately 11600 years ago.
In Fact now if a person say they do not believe there is a creator they are essentially disconnected from real truth, both in the religious sector and the scientific sectors.  Yes, even science have come to conclude that man must have a creator based on all laws of physics, and biological studies including the use of DNA.  See science is at a point now that all origins come from the same source, while DNA studies come to the conclusion of a written code in every beings genes which spells God is your creator.  History in Chronology and non-chronology spells out that everything written in the bible is true without exception.  Artifacts, towns, events, languages and yes even the most radical events such as destruction of towns all have been recorded and located as what was written hundreds and sometimes thousands of years ago.  But I say to you what if there were record even before the flood.  Yes, there are accounts even before the time of the flood.  

How narrow minded can a few be that would hold their truth had relevance as the atheist.  In fact, there is relevance.  It has been known for time and time again that the fallen angels still possess power to decieve, even when the fallen ones are not responsible for all the underhanded actions that men do, they are none the less held responsible.  So what relevance does being an atheist have?  They are the forebears of the lie that an devil projects.  Without the atheist it would be difficult to keep the sect of devil worshippers alive.  Even when an atheist claim not to believe in the devil or the creator they do service to the devil, to help accomplish his mission.  

To question His authority, one has to imagine a creator being who have the knowledge to create the universe, the heaven and stars, the world we live in and every creature, including man for his own pleasure; what good is it for a speck of sand to ask the beach why it is...  But I say to you every grain of sand, and every hair of your head are all accounted for by the creator, for everything that was ever created have reason, if only to serve the purpose he only knows.  Man is not always entitled to know what his creator have in store for him, but one should know it has purpose.  And when we realize our purpose we are made whole again..

Find your purpose, question not His authority, but go in due diligence wherever he have you to go and be blessed by his holy reward. 
