Has The Media Lost It

 Has the Media Lost It

By James Breedlove

News travels exponentially further and faster than it has ever before during the age of the Internet.  And who controls the information source controls the all those who are connected. -JB


 In a speech of less than 10 minutes, on January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower, which was is final address to the nation as President.

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. 

Former General of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and then President of the United States was well versed with the implications that were going on at the time of his end of term of office.  He delivered a speech which warned of the grave dangers he foresaw for the United States and urged everyone to be vigilante and keep guard of things that were going on in the government. Yet later on with nearly the exact same content we had John F. Kennedy give a similar speech to the Press Corps, warning of a time that the US was in serious danger from powers within who are or have the potential to become a national threat.  He also warned the Press to report with integrity and due consciousness towards the facts, and resist the temptation of becoming in our term "FAKE NEWS".   Yet today we look at each broadcast station that host News wither local or major broad cast centers, most of which controlled by the same person or groups of people.  The News tends to echo the same message no matter what station you turn too.  But this is of course no mistake, as the broadcasters are all linked and control by the same people.  Collectively they might call themselves the Associated Press.  

The introduction of government into the Press Agencies and Associated Press Corps, is common place and seems to have been aligned in such a way from early beginnings.  Now it is common to have CIA operatives working for the Associated Press, I assume it is after they are no longer employed by the agency.  However, it is because of the internal knowledge that they may have obtained through their service that the News agencies seek their employment.  Contacts, investigative know how, and ability to work effortlessly in environments that would be seemingly hostile to someone who never traveled or worked in dangerous areas.  

So what happens when these former operatives start dictating authority to the news stations.  Say for example the government chooses to do something that requires the media to report one thing when its not true; even when it is under the guise of National Security.  Because these three letter agencies have infused themselves into the operations of the media and established defined operating environments, the media becomes their puppet.  No longer do you have just plane ole reporters, reporting on the real news, but you have TV anchors railing straight out lies according to what the government wants them to say.   You might conclude that is preposterous, how could they influence the press or even make a difference in what they report.  Or even they couldn't do any of that because of the first amendment protects the press and freedom of speech.  First this wasn't done overnight but has been a long term relationship with intelligence agencies not just the US CIA, but a number of government agencies across the world.  The News Agencies profit from the information that is gathered, they also perhaps may also receive payment a certain times from such agencies to present their form of propaganda. Yet other elements come into play, where some of the former or current agents work within the News Corps own doors. And there is always that small element that says you do it it you value being around very long.  

Political campaigns, the News Media reports based on trends.  I would say they largely report according to the media outlets owners want them to report as far as on political campaigns.  I believe they make money what ever direction the report wither hard left or right, however it is quite important to see how they tossed their news reporting during the last elections.  Many are found swaying far left, even the anchors themselves seem to buy in to the left's agenda.  Perhaps, one News Network took up the side of the right (Fox).  They are defined by those actions, which will stay with them for years to come.  Politics have become associated to with which channel you watch and what news station you tune too.  You say I watch CNN and immediately your Democrat.  And really nobody cares what liberals tune to these days.  

In the end has the media lost it?  Largely, I see they have indeed lost it from the individual network perspective, because they are polarized and if they get opposite party visits they are there to collect information to spread, rather than connect with the News or News Page themselves.  So yes, perhaps they have lost about 40+ percent of their ratings.  Online media outlets have likely soured during the pandemic, and honestly likely keep some News stations afloat.  I think media will recover through diversity, so on that note no the media gambled against its viewer base and they they didn't win big, they survived their preposterous move.  Who is the big loser in all this.  Why it is the public, because they were deceived by the media and their government and are still being punished by the poor choices of the current administration.  Is that bias, maybe but also it is the truth, so absorb it and brace for the future....


