Artifical Intelligence shaping the direction of War


Artificial Intelligence shaping the direction of War

By James Breedlove


This assertion is not to divvy into the 1's and 0's of data or to explain "qubits" of data, but rather provide ideas for which artificial intelligence or machine language is able to be used in applications for which the government may tend to keep clandestine.  Think of it as a tool for which predictions can be made based on mass amounts of historical data and or human nature.  Perhaps, the modern version of Sun Tzu.  


Liken it to a app on you smart phone which provide a storm radar and it comes with a layer for storm paths and bits of information that allows the user to develop a educated opinion on wither or not they should take action.  Now imagine that the government would use artificial intelligence (AI) to be that storm path indicator and based on all previous intelligence data given a area or subject under that model are installed and interpreted to give a clear picture of the most likely outcome.  Clearly the definition or clarity of data is crucial to make determinations that may save lives; but it also may be possible the information can be used for long term projections based on a long term prediction model.  This information can also be used in itself as a weapon.


Clearly you can see how manipulation of the information could provide certain different results when done in a intellectual way to cause the change or course of a society and then also changing long term goals as well.  Could that information be used as a weapon.  Perhaps, but the changing of the information is also a weapon, and when employed with other disciplines already known to the war machine actors and employing AI to assist platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook or even Tic Tok, can be used to shape the narrative based on public bias and tend to sell a agenda when done right.  How does that relate to the direction of war one might ask.  It also effects the attitude we perceive about selected agenda, country states, and wither or not fighting a war is tolerable or even demanded.  


Artificial Intelligence used as a crystal ball; is it possible.  Imagine feeding the AI selective information that is acquired from all the available resources provided to the intelligence communities; to include signal intelligence and web based in formations across the entire world, then tweaking it using the largest number crunching computers in existence including Quantum computer based solutions.  Then imagine the predictive models telling of the greatest likelihood or inevitable outcome resulting in a nuclear war based between a certain time frame due to global economy, war time posture, military status and technologies and the characteristics of the global leaders at a given time. As time draws near the more defined the results become.  What do you do.  Manipulate public opinion, stage world events, cause small scale or large wars to change the status of the prediction model.  Sound familiar.


How to control public outcry and the opinions of the people from foiling open plans of world change; simply add aliens, climate warming, the green new deal and provide nice scandals to keep the public occupied.  To balance for optimism through in an Elon Musk or other world actor who provide people with some kind of hope or direction.  Control the people with rules and regulations and limit their power to make change.  


AI can be used for many good things and can make some aspects in life more simple; when we do not have to continually look up what is available at our finger tips.  Also sorting through the piles of data and coming out with a probable solution, with human oversight of course; these things can be positive.  Already, AI is being used in creating art and in the music industry as well as the medical industry.  Soon it will be placed in or on smart weapons so they can find a specific target.  It is up to us to resolve the things that belong to humanity alone.  We should not allow machines to rule over us.  But that is my opinion of course.  Hopefully, you have gained the beginning of ideas that are associated with artificial intelligence and this is only the start.


